Thursday, July 16, 2015

It's Happening

Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamed becoming a nurse, and then going to some far-off village to work. In my dreams, this village is a place where, perhaps, there are no other nurses. But perhaps more importantly, this is a place where people need to hear the good news of Jesus' love.

When I was a little girl dreaming about this, it seemed like a very wonderful dream, but one that wouldn't come true for a very, very long time. This year, however, things just keep getting more real.

This spring, I graduated from the wonderful and amazing Walla Walla University with a degree in nursing. Not only that, in the near future I plan on taking nursing boards so that I'll actually be a real nurse. But it gets better. This fall, I am planning to go to Bere Adventist Hospital in Chad, Africa to volunteer as a nurse for a year.

I am so excited.

And I wanted you to share my excitement. :)

Do you want to be a part of my adventure? There are lots of ways to do that.

For one, you could come visit me while I'm there. That would be really cool. If that doesn't work for you, you can write to me while I'm there. Or email me. Or you can also send me your mailing address and I will write to you from Chad. You can also pray for me. That's going to be super important. Even up until now, my preparations to go to Chad have been a little crazy... and I haven't even left home yet. So seriously, please pray for me. Last but not least, you will likely not be surprised to learn that there is some money involved in moving to the other side of the world. As a recently graduated student, I don't have all that much money myself.

If you are interested in making a donation, there are once again a couple of options. Probably the best option is to make a check payable to Walla Walla University Student Missions. You can then mail the check to me at: 17006 NW Oak Ridge Rd. Yamhill, OR. 97148. Don't write my name on the check; I will then put it in an envelop with my name on it, and mail it to the student missions department at Walla Walla University, and you will receive a tax deduction. :)

Stay tuned; this is just the beginning! :)