Monday, October 26, 2015

Plan G

Or something like that. It could just as easily be plan E or H... I don't remember. Anyway, the good news is that as of now I have a plan. One that looks fairly promising, in fact.

After waiting to hear whether or not I could go to Chad after all, I finally found out recently that I can't. (Fortunately though, most of the missionaries that were there and had to leave are now returning). I mentioned in a previous post that going to Chad was pretty much my favorite dream. Honestly, it still is. Picking a favorite dream isn't as easy as I thought it might be.

Having said that, I am excited about the other prospects available. And I think that by the time I actually get tot the other side of the world, I'll be crazy excited no matter whether it's my favorite destination or my least favorite. Anyway, plans are currently in the works for Buea Adventist Hospital in Cameroon.

Buea is a small hospital in southern Cameroon, somewhere near both the coast and mount Cameroon. It sounds pretty incredible and gorgeous.

If plans progress at the rate I want them to, I'll be leaving sometime around the middle of November. So here's hoping that this plan will hold out at least until I get to Africa.... :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Are you a nurse?

I really like that question. A lot. Actually maybe what I like is the answer: yes, I sure am a nurse!

The guy at the FedEx place today asked me if I was a nurse. Then he proceeded to tell me that I don't look old enough to be a nurse. I guess that's a compliment.

It reminded me of one of my very first clinicals in nursing school. One of the nurses looked at me and said, "are you old enough to be in nursing school?" I didn't know there was an age limit.

Anyway, I am old enough to be a nurse. I know that, because they gave me a nursing license. But that's not really the point of this post.... The point of this post is that I'm trying to decide how many I-still-don't-know-where-I'm-going-or-when posts I should write. Maybe this will be the last one. I don't know.

What I do know, is that I want to go to Chad. It seems like every time I come to terms with the fact that I can't go and start trying to get excited about going somewhere else, something changes and I think for a minute or an hour or a day that I might be able to go after all. And then all of the desire that I ever had to go comes back, plus more.

I also know a few other things.... Perhaps the most notable of the things that I know is that sometime, hopefully in the near future, there will be a meeting. And that meeting will determine a few things about Chad. You need to understand, this isn't just one crazy nurse who won't give up her dream of living in the bush. This decision has to do with all of the missionaries who have stayed in Chad or who are in the states waiting to hear whether they can go back. And because of that, this decision could potentially affect the future of the two Adventist hospitals in Chad pretty profoundly.

So I'd appreciate it if you would say a prayer for the meeting, for the missionaries that are still in Chad, for the terrorists in Chad... Whoever you feel like praying for, that would be great. I really want to go to Chad, but more than that, I want to see the medical work that is going on there continue to grow and expand.

"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in [Chad] will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6